Grandpa Dr. in Harmony Jane and Steve, aka Bill  

Christmas trees
are everywhen.

Christmas trees,
Christmas itself,
they tie me to my roots.

They take me back to
people and places past,
to the different persons
I have been.

Molly, Michael, Susan holding Beth, and me
Susan, me, Mother, Daddy, a bit of Beth
Jane''s drawingShiny Bright ornaments
Michael cutting down the tree: Molly, me, Beth, Susan
Mother and me, Lane Avenue   Me, Tad, Susan
  Steve's Christmas in Hawaii  

Me in Hawaii
Helene made for me
Dinner by the tree

Jane in Oak Park   Jane and me  

Tree ornament on tree

Susan and Jane


Jane with Paddy

My tree with Susan

Oak Park with a bit of Jane's Grandpa

Tree scene

Origami treeCity Hall watercolor

Jane's tree top, Brooklyn



Christmas is a reason to be.

Jane and her dog

Teen Jane

Gus and Quinn tree top






When I am gone
there are people who
will remember me
at Christmas.

And when they are gone
there are people who
will remember them.

A garland chain
far forward as
it reaches far back.









Jane's tree in Mexico















The tree pin


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