When I was a kid, I worked in the circus. It was a touring circus that was owned by a man named Terrell Jacobs.
It was just one big tent, and he was a lion tamer.
He didn't have any kids, but the bit was that I would dress up as his son in an identical outfit.
—Christopher Walken
There are lots of examples of people who straddled the worlds of movies and circuses, like Jack Earle, Major Mite, and Bill Irwin. Burt Lancaster started as a circus acrobat and starred in Trapeze.
More importantly, movies make it possible for us to get a taste of the circus as it used to be. I call these paradigms to your attention:
The Circus
1928 Charlie Chaplin silent film: great fun. |
1932 Tod Brownings cult classic: audiences at the time patronized
actual sideshows
but found this movie offensive. Go figure. It has a haunting climax.

At the Circus
1939 Marx Brothers film: a must see for all who love the brothers, with great peeks into circus life.
1941 Disney animated film: vilifies clowns and raises issues of animal abuse, but also cherishes much about the circus. Who can resist this movie? |
La Strada
1954 Felini film: a charming look
at the tiniest of circuses, a strongman
and his clown assistant. |
There are many more movies about the circus of course, ranging from Charlie Chan to documentaries.