

My favorite way to prepare for travel is to read novels set in the locations I'm to visit.

For example, novels by Alexander McCall Smith set the scene for Edinburgh. This one features a baker who makes wonderful bacon rolls, so I was on the lookout for them. Turns out they're just bacon sandwiches, but o! Scottish bacon is wonderful! And it's always part of breakfast.

Love in the Time of Bertie book cover Scottish bacon  

    Tombstone with Glasgow Cathedral   Ornate spiral Plaque commemorating Willliam Topaz McGonagall, "The very best of the world's worst poets." Also notes that Robert Burns visited.    
There are commemorations to authors all over. This is the grave of the author of Wee Willie Winkie in the Glasgow Necropolis.   I believe the largest monument to any author anywhere is the Edinburgh tower for Walter Scott. This isn't it: we weren't taking pictures in Edinburgh. It just sort of reminds me of it.

  McGonagall is honored here as the very best of the world's worst poets.
Robert Burns also gets a mention.
We also liked reading novels about Scotland while we were there. That's how I learned about the wolves. Susan sleeping with book in her bed.


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