Happy Memory CHALLENGE! Challenge 25: Letting Go
Excerpts from letters my parents wrote to their families during WWII.


Content of letter from box

     Just got back from a 2 day bivouac. It was a lot of fun. The last 5 minutes I was surrounded by about 25 men—a hand grenade lit a foot from my head, 10 guys jumped on me + I was sure killed. I'd have gotten about 10 of them with the grenades (pine cones) I threw in.
     As it was, I captured the command car with 3 lieutenants + a sergeant. They were sure disgusted. Hidden in the woods.
     We really showed the Anti Tank Co up. 25 against 170 (with trucks, jeeps, guns, etc)
     We were unarmed.

          Score ___________ Band    |     AT Co.
          Men lost                       7       |     30 to 50

Content of letter from boxI was the 1st sentry (8-10)—about 9:30 I heard a little noise [down] around the woods & sent two scouts out.
    They came back with 3 lieutenants + 2 sergeants (the entire officer group) + they were so disgusted the called the war off so we went back to bed + froze. I wore:

    Short underwear
    Long underwear
    Wool Pants
    Work     "
    2 Wool Shirts
    Wool Jacket
    Two Blankets
    Tent – Hat

All this + I still froze.

Content of letter from box



Maybe I am selfish but I know her very well + I know that she'll be much happier out here + she'll never regret it—especially if I didn't come back after this war.
    Maybe it is "war hysteria"—but I want her out here + I'm sure she wants to be here. It's a gamble but so is everything else now. + pooy on anything (like a teacher's contract) that keeps her there.
    If she decides not to come you'll sure have one unhappy private in the family.
    Well, I hope you'll understand— + [?] will— + Dr. S. will—

                I do

Content of letter from boxContent of letter from box

—I haven't been near the camp yet in Corvallis—but Salem is the state capitol—beautiful place—everything so clean—parks—grass (green grass)— Oh! I'll never forget this trip as long as I live—everything was so different and wonderful—even if Steve had been gone when I got here I would have thanked him for the trip because it really was gorgeous—plains, mountains, stops at Cheyenne, Boise, [?]—
    Even yet I'm too excited to write a long letter—
    He sure is nice to me—you did a good job on raising a son— I'm proud of you!!!
    Holly blooms along the streets—I'd like to live in Oregon—

Content of letter from boxContent of letter from box
    The jazz trumpet man here (from Vaughn Monroe's band) + some of the others told me I could make a good living playing a horn—say I have a beautiful tone—the best in the band trombone section (+ these guys are from Woody Herman + Ted Fio Rito) so that's saying something.—
    It makes me feel good, naturally, they hate to see me go— but I still wouldn't want to travel with bands or play every nite. Maybe I'll try to just job around town 3 nites a week or something after the war. Union I'll clear at least 15 in 3 jobs + that would help my hamburger business or my Ohio office job. I'd soon…

Content of letter from box
Dear Folks—
    Michael is getting [?] every day — he entertained me for an hour last night laughing, & talking, & [grinning?] — he had a wonderful time — I think he knows me now —
    Clara Bess & Sloan dropped in Sunday & …


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