Happy Memory CHALLENGE! Challenge 3: Siblings
  If you have multiple siblings, do a Challenge Memory for each one. If you are an only child, who is most like a sibling to you?

Abstracted photo of the dance

Michael was four years older, so we weren't all that close when I was a child. Then he went off to college, and worked at a summer camp in Pennsylvania. So we mainly saw him at Christmas.

I remember the delight of a Christmas vacation night when we danced in Grandpa Doctor’s living room, under the chandelier decorated with holiday greenery and small carved wooden angels. Maybe the music was a polka.

Whatever the music was, this was a joyful time.





Me folded into the sofa

I also remember trying to fold my very large brother into a hide-a-bed sofa, declaring that I feared I had lost the element of surprise, and ending up like this.


  Watercolor of sewing scene  

I was the little sister. Mother was sewing a dress for Susan, with a light patterned fabric. I started teasing Susan, saying the dress was for me. She would get mad, and I would run under the table and giggle because she was too tall to follow me.


Me folded into the sofa





Roman Forum ruins


When Susan and I were in Rome we somehow missed out on getting into the Colosseum. Instead we explored the nearby Roman Forum. I remember sitting up high, overlooking the ruins, and being perfectly content.


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