Happy Memory CHALLENGE! Challenge 11: Relief

illustration of children on school playgound


We were to be quizzed on the dates of events in history. I didn’t see the value in memorizing dates like that, so I lightly wrote a list of dates on my desk in pencil and just memorized the order of the events.

I was outside playing on the blacktop at recess. Sharon Meyers came out loudly chanting “Hannah Jennings cheats on tests! Hannah Jennings cheats on tests!” I hotly denied it, and she told everyone about the numbers on my desk, which I also denied. Then she led me and what seemed to be the entire school into the classroom to prove I cheated. As I walked I franticly tried to come up with a response, but what could I say? We poured into the classroom where we found… that my desk was clean.

A miracle. A compassionate teacher? My guardian angel? All I know is that I was never tempted to cheat on a test again.



Yearbook cover: Lasso 1966

This experience saved me in high school. The yearbook staff had a copy of a test from a morning class. We used it as a study guide because the teacher gave different tests to different classes. However, it turned out that we got the same one. I approached the teacher and told her that I’d seen the test, and she gave me an alternative from her other morning class.Cowpuncher ready to sew onto varsity jacket 

The next day there was a school assembly to announce that there had been cheating, and that those responsible were to withdraw from the National Honor Society. I asked the teacher if this included me: it did not. I couldn’t imagine telling my father I had been caught cheating, so a belated thank you to Sharon Meyers.

(Our mascot was a cowpuncher because, it is said, the football team used to have to practice on a field shared with cows.)


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