Client list
The Anthropology Museum of
Northern Illinois University
Austin Manchester, painter
Beagle and Wolf Books & Bindery
Brevard Zoo
Bridgeport Academy of Piano Arts
Brookfield Conservation Commission
Bryan Carson, author
Cantigny/Robert R. McCormick Museum
Cape Cod Community College
Chicago Literary Hall of Fame
Chicago Museum Exhibitors Group
Chicago Writers Association
Deborah Haynes, artist and
Diane Gutenkauf, Elmhurst Alderman
Don Ford, Ltd., food broker
Donald G. Evans, author
Dorie Blesoff, consultant and musician
Easy Childbirth Education
Encore Creations, Inc., event designer
Fellowship of the Spirit Church
Fernwork Arts Incubator
Foodgasm, cooking show with dance
Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust
Handcrafted by Hedda, jeweler
Hatboxes, independent movie
Hawthorne Gardens
Hierloom Textiles
Hold On To Your Music Foundation
Jamine Blesoff, N.D.
Janis C. Johnston, Ed.D., author
The Kiwanis Club of Oak Park
KL Daly Consulting
Kristine Muñoz, University of Iowa
Left Coast Press, Inc.
Maggie Kast, author
Margot McMahon, sculptor
Mark Perlberg, poet
Matt Jennings Music
Mediation Cape Cod, attorneys
The Natural Garden
The Natural Bridge of Virginia
North Central Mental Health Services of
Columbus, Ohio
Ontario Science Center
Optic Fuel Clean
Pat Allen's Virtual Studio Pardes
Rainbow Animal Assisted Therapy
Renshaw Music Inc., piano tuner
Sawtooth National Recreation Area
USDA Forest Service
Scholarly Roadside Services
Serrell & Associates
Shadow Catcher Music
Sher Spooner, Author
Sidewalks Book Company
Sister Wolf Books
Snapshot City
Susan Messer, author
Tom Montgomery Fate, author
Turtle Town Books
Visit Oak Park, shop
Wendy Lalli, Ltd., public relations writer
West Humboldt Park Center for Performing Arts
ZooVideo Productions |
You've managed very well to get a sense of the excitement that the project had for us.
Dr. Sue Hamilton
University College London