Design can reinforce messages.  

Each exhibit gets a distinct look and feel within the zoo's standards. Texts convey messages, but images, color, and other design elements also convey meaning.


Good design is where style and meaning meet.


Cultural differences are conveyed through set-off quotations.
"Marsupials: Mammals with pockets" is on a giant pocket.
Falling tiles show the domino effect of invasive species.
A walrus couple is rendered with texture against wet, cool blue.
The team decided to focus on learning by close observation.
Signs help find meaning in comparing and contrasting animals.
Softly organized, complex rain garden texts are readable. An embroidered donor recognition sign fits in a very homey exhibit.
Polled visitors delight in bears' BIGness, so BIG signs hook readers.

Recent Exhibits

Exhibit design concepts

Case study of design responding to a concept
Exhibit designs can be distinct and work together
Wayfinding case study
Design reinforcing messages
Design that helps make learning fun

Sign writing samples

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